Online Computer Science Homework & Assignment Help JC-PD LLC

Affordable Computer Science Homework help and Assignment Help by a Physics PhD + postdoc / Math BS with 20 years of professional programming experience

Computer Science Professional Homework Help

$40/hr for students    Tutoring Policies

$65/hr for businesses (industry, research labs, and private businesses for software engineering consulting/training/scientific programming/tutoring.)

Computer Science Homework and Assignment Help

It is possible to help with homework for many computer science classes. Homework help with some software engineering graduate level courses is also possible. Help with programming required in theses or dissertations is possible, if it is scientific or mathematical programming. Since 2015, I have tutored programming often, except when I taught 4 classes in one semester in 2016.

I can help with classes that require programming. I have helped with a computer systems design class requiring C systems programming. Also, I helped with a relatively easy first course in Data Science (both from UCSJ). A few years ago I helped with a reasonable Linux OS class requiring some systems programming in C. Since JC-PD LLC opened, I have helped with CS homework involving C, C++, Java, python, C#, SQL, HTML5, CSS3 most often. Many courses were for data structures and algorithms. One course was a beginning Java enterprise programming course.

I know C, C++, Java, and Python well enough to help with most courses using those languages. I can help with first courses in JS, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and C#. I have light experience with coding windows in visual studio using C++. I also have a little experience with C# and web pages in visual studio. In courses that require C systems programming, I usually can help. I have done multithreaded programming in C only. I don't have a lot of experience with that, though. I have done a little with including databases in Java and PHP. I have helped student many times with data structures and algorithms - primarily in Java or C++. I have not done network programming.

I am a former part-time software engineering consultant using C++ for a US industry in PA (2019). Also, in industry, I have 6 years of experience as a programmer/software engineer. I have 12 years of programming experience in my scientific research at Wash U School of Medicine in St. Louis. Through my dissertation and postdoc, I have 5 years of FORTRAN programming experience. At Wash U School of Medicine, I have 8 years of part-time UNIX system administrator experience.

Courses supported with Computer Science Homework Help

Students supported with JC-PD LLC Computer Science Homework Help Options

Details of Computer Science Homework Help

  1. Your homework will be completed by JC-PD LLC.

  2. You would be first required to supply the email address of the individual who will pay for the homework help.

  3. A completion date and time must be agreed upon. Last-minute homework help is unlikely since JC-PD LLC is not an on-demand service. All services at JC-PD LLC are scheduled appointments. Almost always, a minimum of 24 hours before the completion date/time is required for acceptance of homework. The rate is $40 per hour.

  4. Next, you would be required to supply all relevant files required to complete the homework - instructor supplied code and instructions. Input files are also required.

  5. The actual charge for homework completion is calculated by the time required to complete the homework. Generally estimates prior to homework completion are not provided.

  6. Your homework will be completed efficiently and correctly. Code will be tested before you receive it. You should test your code also after receiving it.

  7. It is very rare that a homework assignment will not be completely correct when returned to you. Generally, if there are potential problems with the homework, you would be informed of that before the assignment is attempted. You would have the option of not using JC-PD LLC, of course, in such cases.

  8. Generally, students are happy with the homework completed by JC-PD LLC. I understand assignments created by CS instructors. I know enough to have no problems understanding assignment instructions. Some instructors do not give well-prepared instructions, unfortunately.

  9. In some cases where the assignment is very short, it is possible to give a reasonable estimate of the time required to complete the assignment. If the assignment requires only 30 minutes, you would be charged $20.

  10. Payment is required within 24 hours of completion of the assignment. An invoice will be sent when the homework is complete.

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Copyright © 2017- Peter Domitrovich, Ph.D. JC-PD LLC. All rights reserved. Written by Peter Domitrovich, Ph.D. .