Online C++ Tutoring JC-PD LLC

Affordable C++ Tutoring help by a Physics PhD + postdoc / Math BS with 20 years of professional programming experience

C++ Expert Help

$40/hr for students    Tutoring Policies

$65/hr for businesses (industry, research labs, and private businesses for software engineering consulting/training/scientific programming/tutoring.)

In sessions, concepts are explained clearly if there is a need. Otherwise, practice is the focus. Active learning is best in any subject. Material and concepts are presented after a relevant practical problem is chosen. Then the required knowledge and problem solving approach and methods are presented. Teaching strategy in test taking is beneficial to many students. Teaching error-free programming techniques is valuable in CS. The approach to physics and math problems should also be an error-free one. In all technical subjects, problem solving should be accomplished in small steps, checking the consequences of each before proceeding.

I want to help students learn problematic material. Beating fear of success is possible through sustained small successes. The only real teaching/tutoring goal is to teach a student everything the teacher/tutor knows so that the teacher/tutor is no longer necessary.

C++ Tutoring

C++, one of the least user friendly programming languages, is nevertheless an essential part of any programming student's background. This language is somewhat similar to Java and C#, but it has its own syntax for many OOP details. It is a super set of C, which is simple but difficult since the coder must do much of the work that other languages like Java already provide. C++ is more user friendly than C, and it is a very powerful language that runs quickly since it is compiled. The fact that C++ is not so user friendly is probably one of the core reasons for difficulties with this language for beginners.

I first began coding in C++ around 2000. I developed a huge GUI using VS C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). People still use MFC today, but there haven't been any new texts covering that library since around 2000. The GUI did many Heart Rate Variability calculations and presented the results graphically. It had a dynamic splitter window, and contained at least 20000 lines of code. About 270 unique views of data were possible with that GUI. I stopped working on it 2008. Between 2008 and 2013, I coded a little in C++ as a software engineer in industry. Later, in 2013, I had a full-time programming job using C++ for about 1.5 years. In 2019, I coded for an industry remotely in C++ for about 3 months.

This language is a very popular one in industry, and it is here to stay. C is a subset of C++, and it is good to know both C and C++.

There are many frameworks which allow one to program graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with C++, and the methods and classes for these frameworks can be relatively easy to learn. It is worth the effort to learn this language well. C++ is also a popular language for data structures and algorithms, although python may become the preferred language for data structures and algorithms in the future. Also, a significant fraction of the universities use C++ for the first 2 semesters of a beginning CS introduction. The remainder of the universites use Java, but python's share will increase with time. There will be more python books written by CS professors in the future, and that will be an important factor in choosing an introductory language for CS students.

I am a former part-time software engineering consultant using C++ for a US industry in PA (2019). Also, in industry, I have 6 years of experience as a programmer/software engineer. I have 12 years of programming experience in my scientific research at Wash U School of Medicine in St. Louis. Through my dissertation and postdoc, I have 5 years of FORTRAN programming experience. At Wash U School of Medicine, I have 8 years of part-time UNIX system administrator experience.

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