C Programming Help JC-PD LLC

Affordable Online C Programming Help by a Physics PhD + postdoc / Math BS with 20 years of professional programming experience

$40/hr for students    Tutoring Policies

$65/hr for businesses (industry, research labs, and private businesses for software engineering consulting/training/scientific programming/tutoring.)

Physics PhD + postdoc / Math BS tutor. Subjects: C Programming, C Homework, C Assignments, C Projects -- including Data Structures and Algorithms.

Time zone: CST/CDT

Sessions are online only and by appointment only. My Zoom is utilized for sessions. Lesson notes are displayed and later saved to a pdf file for students, if applicable. A tablet and stylus are used for clearer notes. Students may use the whiteboard of My Zoom or MS oneNote if available. Notes can be written with a mouse if no tablet is available. It is possible to have your homework completed outside of a tutoring session for the usual hourly rate, but it is recommended to complete the homework in a meeting.

In sessions, concepts are explained clearly if there is a need. Otherwise, practice is the focus. Active learning is best in any subject. Material and concepts are presented after a relevant practical problem is chosen. Then the required knowledge and problem solving approach and methods are presented. Teaching strategy in test taking is beneficial to many students. Teaching error-free programming techniques is valuable in CS. The approach to physics and math problems should also be an error-free one. In all technical subjects, problem solving should be accomplished in small steps, checking the consequences of each before proceeding.

I want to help students learn problematic material. Beating fear of success is possible through sustained small successes. The only real teaching/tutoring goal is to teach a student everything the teacher/tutor knows so that the teacher/tutor is no longer necessary.

C Programming Help

C Programming Help Details

C Help

C is probably the least programmer friendly language compared to more modern OOP languages. It is a very important language though, since many operating systems are written in C. The tricky things in C are using pointers, freeing dynamically created memory, and using C strings. C is not an object oriented language, and therefore it does not contain classes. Structures in C are similar to public classes with public data members, but C does not allow methods in structures. Probably C is still the language with which I have had the most experience. In 2007-2008 I wrote a 48000 line C program for analyzing Heart Rate Variability data. Between 1996 and 2008, I wrote very many C programs for many different purposes in a research lab.

I am also open to helping with research projects, theses, or dissertations in any field (especially HRV) requiring math, statistics, physics, programming, and certain areas of engineering, if there is a good fit.

I have helped many students with a first course in C. I have also helped in systems C programming in several courses which also used data structures in C. Most student were taking a first academic C course. Some students were working outside of an academic setting. I prefer Visual Studio right now. I can code on a Linux server with vi and gcc. Valgrind testing for memory leaks is also possible.

I am a former part-time software engineering consultant using C++ for a US industry in PA (2019). Also, in industry, I have 6 years of experience as a programmer/software engineer. I have 12 years of programming experience in my scientific research at Wash U School of Medicine in St. Louis. Through my dissertation and postdoc, I have 5 years of FORTRAN programming experience. At Wash U School of Medicine, I have 8 years of part-time UNIX system administrator experience.

C Programming Methods

Advanced C Programming Methods

Approximate availability (CST/CDT) for Tutoring sessions

Sunday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Monday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Tuesday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Wednesday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Thursday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Friday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM
Saturday12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM; 03:00 PM -- 12:00 AM

For more information or to schedule a session, please send a message below, or call or text (580) 919-2484, or send an email to peter.domitrovich@jc-pdllc.com (info@jc-pdllc.com).

Contact Information for JC-PD LLC online tutoring.

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Copyright © 2017- Peter Domitrovich, Ph.D. JC-PD LLC. All rights reserved. Written by Peter Domitrovich, Ph.D. .